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  • Herd of Excellence
  • Progressive Breeders' Registry
  • Progressive Genetics Herds

Herd of Excellence

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The Herd of Excellence Award was developed to recognize Registered Holstein breeders who have bred and developed excellent herds made up of cows with superior type and production. There are three herd size divisions that are based on the number of cows included in production averages for each herd. The categories are as follows: small herds (10-99 cows), medium herds (100-499 cows), and large herds (500+ cows).

To qualify for this award, the herd must qualify under the following criteria:

  red bullet
The herd must have classified within the last year and have an average age-adjusted classification score of 83 points or higher.  
The herd must be at least 70 percent homebred.
The herd must be enrolled in the TriStarSM production records program.
Additionally, qualifying herds must meet the following production criteria:  
    bullet Small Herds - 25 percent above breed average Mature Equivalent for milk, fat and protein  
    bullet Medium Herds - 20 percent above breed average Mature Equivalent for milk, fat and protein  
    bullet Large Herds - 15 percent above breed average Mature Equivalent for milk, fat and protein  

Read more about the 2023 Recipients

2023 Herds of Excellence Recipients
LARGE HERDS (500+ herd size division)

Siemers Holstein Farms Inc.
The Siemers Family, Newton, Wisconsin
80.0% Homebred
Average Age-Adjusted Classification Score - 84.7
Milk:  34,042  Fat: 1,543  Protein: 1,057
Eight Year Honoree

MEDIUM HERDS (100 to 499 herd size division)

Koester Dairy Inc.
The Koester Family, Dakota, Illinois
99.8% Homebred
Average Age-Adjusted Classification Score - 85.2
Milk: 34,013 Fat: 1,519  Protein: 1,086
Eight Year Honoree

SMALL HERDS (10 to 99 herd size division)

Kal-side Holsteins
The Oberholtzer Family, Hillsboro, Wisconsin
94.0% Homebred
Average Age-Adjusted Classification Score - 85.8
Milk: 35,636   Fat: 1,477  Protein: 1,131
First Year Honoree

Doorco Holsteins
Dan, Julie, and Austin Vandertie, Brussels, Wisconsin
100% Homebred
Average Age-Adjusted Classification Score - 89.3
Milk: 37,252  Fat: 1,503  Protein: 1,160
Seven Year Honoree

Ever-Green-View Holsteins, LLC
The Kestell Family, Waldo, Wisconsin
98.9% Homebred
Average Age-Adjusted Classification Score - 87.6
Milk: 37,653 Fat: 1,609  Protein: 1,170
Fourteen Year Honoree

Lazy M Farm, LLC
Herman and Michael Maier Families, Stitzer, Wisconsin
78.3% Homebred
Average Age-Adjusted Classification Score - 88.1
Milk: 35,515  Fat: 1,514  Protein: 1,119
First Year Honoree


Progressive Breeders' Registry

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In order to qualify for the Progressive Breeders' Registry (PBR) award, a herd must qualify under the following criteria:

Herd owner must be a member of both their national and state associations, and enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options and Herd Classification programs.
Percent B.A.A. for Herd Classification must be in the top 25% of herds classified during the 18-month time period just prior to March 1 of the current calendar year.
Must have a minimum of twenty 87% RHA and higher cows in the milking herd, of which at least 75% bear the herd owner's prefix.

Automatic evaluation of all herds is done annually. The PBR recognition is given to approximately 10% of herds enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options. TriStar Herd Mature Equivalent Lactation Averages are adjusted by each state's average production. A milk component cutoff is based on combined fat and protein, which is calculated by multiplying the milk cutoff by 3.6% for fat and 3.1% for protein, and totaling the two components.

Read more about the Progressive Breeders' Registry in this article from the Holstein Pulse.

Progressive Genetics Herds

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In order to qualify as a Progressive Genetics Herd (PGH), a herd must qualify under the following criteria:

Herd owner must be a member of both their national and state associations, and enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options and Herd Classification programs.
Must have a minimum of twenty 87% RHA and higher cows in the milking herd with CTPIs. No minimum requirement for number of young stock.

Automatic evaluation of all herds is done annually. The PGH recognition is awarded to the 500 herds with the highest average TPI for females in the herd, both young and mature. Animals used in the evaluation are derived from Genetic Herd Report and Youngstock Genetic Herd Report inventories.

Year TPI Cutoff Range
2020 2101 2102 to 2724
2019 2043 2044 to 2620
2018 2034 2035 to 2537
2017 1956 1957 to 2450
2016 1898 1899 to 2365

Read more about the Progressive Genetics Herds in this article from the Holstein Pulse.