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April 2024 Genetic Evaluations
Availability of Products and Prices


Approx. Date


Ordering Information

High Ranking Sire Report: Listing of top TPI Sires regardless of semen status.

April 2 $20

FAX Report

Internet Report
Internet Products: Internet pedigrees, Fact Sheets, Young Stock and Cow Quest Searches will be available shortly after the genetic update is complete. By April 2

Varies Can be found on the website
Sire Summaries Online: Look up a bull's proof information online. This product will enable you to view a bull's evaluation as printed in the Sire Summaries immediately as they are available. By April 2 $2

Free to Red Book subscribers.

Official Holstein Pedigrees:
Individual pedigrees may be ordered for processing on/or about April 6.
April 2 $5

By individual request.
Mailed or faxed (fax charges are extra).

Red Book Plus Online
Quickly and easily find comprehensive information on Holstein bulls, including genetic traits, pedigree and ancestor/progeny performance information,build and save custom lists based on criteria that is important to them, and create customized selection indexes to compare and rank bulls - and more!


April 2 $33

Free to Red Book Plus / MultiMate Subscibers.
Red Book Plus/MultiMate for Windows
A complete sire selection program which includes a pedigree mating advisor. RB+ includes all ACTIVE, LIMITED, and FOREIGN available bulls, and most frequently used sires that recently went INACTIVE. Also Includes an individual cow mating program and a module to mate your cows according to your mating strategy.

April 4  $65 Red Book Plus/MultiMate Software can be downloaded directly from
our website.

Available Bull Population
File containing all ACTIVE and LIMITED bulls with a type or production evaluation and any INACTIVE bull that entered AI in the last 20 years with a reliability for type of at least 95%.

 April 4


File available on the website.

Mailed on diskettes upon request at no additional cost.

Locator Lists
The Locator List contains the top 5,000 cows based on the Holstein Association's Type-Production Index. Printed Locator Lists are not available in April.
By April 3 $1,000
The Top 5,000 and
Top 10,000
cow files will be available.

Sire Summaries:
The Red Book will contain:

Section 1: High Ranking Bull Lists
Section 2: Available Proven Bulls
Section 3: Daughter Proven Plus Bulls:
Information on bulls with at least 75 daughters in 50 herds
Section 4: Genomic Young Bulls
Section 5: Reference Information

April 16
$25 Discounted
$30 Regular
$50 International