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Polled Resource Center   
Genetic Lists

  Top 100 TPI Polled Bulls
  Top TPI Polled Females
How Does Polled Work?

  "Understanding Genetics
and the Sire Summaries"

developed by the Holstein Foundation to help individuals learn more about dairy cattle genetics and the genetic evaluation system.
  "How Polled Works"
     A simple video from DairyBullsOnline.Com
Industry Press Articles

  Polled Place - bi-monthly magazine
  Is the future polled? The economic impacts of the alternative to dehorning
     Progressive Dairyman - July 13, 2017
  Polled Holsteins: Past, present and future
     Progressive Dairyman - October 18, 2016
  Lifeway Foods adds polled cattle to list of desired labels
     Dairy Herd Management - December 16, 2015
  Naturally polled - fad or future?
     Dairy Herd Management - June 17, 2015
  "The Time for Polled Holsteins is Right Now"
     Holstein Pulse - Spring 2015
  "Half of Holstein heifer calves could be polled by 2034"
     Progressive Dairyman - January 24, 2014
Popular Press Articles

  "Gene edited hornless cow improve animal welfare but regulatory fate unclear"
     The Genetic Literacy Project- May 12, 2016
  "Wanted: More Bulls With No Horns"
     NPR News - August 3, 2015
  "Dairy farms asked to consider breeding no-horn cows"
     Associated Press - March 28, 2015
Scholarly Articles

  Economic considerations of breeding for polled dairy cows versus dehorning in the United States
     Journal of Dairy Science - February 1, 2017
  Independent Polled Mutations Leading to Complex Gene Expression Differences in Cattle
     PLOS ONE - March 26, 2014
  Novel Insights into the Bovine Polled Phenotype and Horn Ontogenesis in Bovidae
     PLOS ONE - May 22, 2013
  Single nucleotide polymorphisms concordant with the horned/polled trait in Holsteins
     PLOS ONE - June 21, 2013
  A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism within the Interferon Gamma Receptor 2 Gene Perfectly Coincides with Polledness in Holstein Cattle
     BioMed Central - December 8, 2008