

Distinguished Junior Member Competition
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The Distinguished Junior Member award recognizes 17-21 year olds who have excelled in preparing for their life's work, while contributing to their local and state Holstein activities.

Established in 1922, this contest is the longest running Holstein youth program, and is the highest honor that can be given to a Junior Holstein member.

There is no limit to the number of applications each state can send. Contestants prepare entry books summarizing their Junior Holstein activities and provide their views on current industry topics.

Twelve semifinalists are chosen to attend the National Holstein Convention, where six Distinguished Junior Member finalists are selected. The top six DJMs receive an annual renewed adult membership with the Holstein Association USA, Inc.

DJM Application & Forms
2025 Application
DJM Form 1

pdf View Past Recipients

Congratulations to the
2024 Distinguished Junior Member Finalists

Courtney Glenna Jacob Harbaugh Samuel Mess
Courtney Glenna, WI Jacob Harbaugh, WI Samuel Mess, WI
Lila Sloan Gabriella Taylor Keenan Tygesen
Lila Sloan, IL Gabriella Taylor, NY Keenan Thygesen, VT

Click here to watch videos from past finalists