712HO01015 840003138997402 99%RHA
aAa: 423156
TR TP TC TY TV TL TD Free of all Haplotypes Impacting Fertility
Bred & Owned by by Sugar Creek Dairy Elkhorn, WI
+2882 GTPI, +1513 M, +164 CFP
+1.34 PTAT, +1.15 UDC, 2.0% SCE
Fantastic maternal line with great longevity!
GTPI + 2882 80%R
Rick Adams, Sugar-Creek Dairy
The productive life of FABIO’S
family is tremendous. It really doesn’t miss, and they’re high performing. They’re consistent and easy on the eyes. His pedigree is unique, and it fits my breeding strategy. Fabio is a balanced bull with very few holes. He has nice feet and legs, nice udders, and a shot of production.