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The Pulse
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The Pulse is Holstein Association USA's magazine, published four times annually. Each issue includes information relevant to all dairymen, new developments in the industry, as well as updates from the CEO and President. The Pulse is mailed free of charge to all adult Holstein Association USA members (if multiple accounts are at one address, only one copy is sent).
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The Pulse
Winter 2021
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Holstein Pulse
In This Issue:
» President's Message: We Plan to Hold Elections and to Gather
» CEO's Message: America Loves Dairy!
» Member Feature: Maple Downs Farms II
» Progressive Genetics Herd Award: A Thirty Year Legacy
» Member Feature: McCarty Family Farms
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To receive the full version of The Pulse online, please submit your request here.

Ten pages of each issue of The Pulse will be made available online to all visitors to our website.